We decided to stay in town and eat at our favorite Tapas restaurant. The festival would go on until the wee hours of Sunday morning though it would not bother us. We could hear it and feel the thump of the music in our apartment, but when we close our windows they are very tight against sound.
So we headed back to the Tapas restaurant, A Venda Lusitana. The couple remembered us from earlier in the week. By the time we left, they were having a busy, successful evening. Because of its location, we were not sure how people found it – there is no signage, so it is not obvious. But definitely worth the visit. We had a baked cheese plate with honey and herbs (mainly fresh rosemary), a cod salad, bread and olives plate, a cheese and sausage plate and a bottle of excellent wine (or 2).

A young couple from Britain were seated next to us. He had an interesting plate of ham and cheese. They were fun to chat up. She had quite the appetite. I am envious of young people’s metabolism!
Then with a brief stop at our supermercado for breakfast goods, we headed home to the apartment to spend a relatively quiet night.
Sunday morning we agreed it was time to just hang out. We ventured back down the next street through the theater district, all the way to the arch at the waterfront. There were men building rock art at the waterfront which was interesting to watch.
On our way there we walked through the open air market that is there every day. Food samples, drink (not sampled), arts and crafts, clothing, leather goods, the market has it all.
There was a booth that had silver filigree that made me think of Nancy-Jo’s jewelry. The artist had nearly the same statements I have listened to Nancy Jo say every week for 5-6 years! I told her about Nancy Jo’s jewelry and gave her Nancy’s etsy site. She was not much into web surfing but promised to look it up and message Nancy. Her art was quite amazing.
There were mimes in the square – white ladies in long white dresses and gloves, an indigenous man in full regalia (at least on his head – not much of anything on his body), a pirate and a man playing music with saws. A very interesting and eclectic afternoon.
By 2:30 we were ready for a snack. There are umbrella tables all up and down the squares and side alleys. They all seem to have the same menus. To choose one, is to choose any.
We finally stopped at one, sat out of the sun which was quite warm, and ordered mojitos. WOW! They do not spare the alcohol. They were very good once you get used to the fresh lime. No scurvy here!
The food we ordered was simple but tasty. Here are some pictures:
The melon was increibly sweet without being overripe. After 2 mojitos each (we did not realize until too late how strong they were!) we went back to our apartment, with a brief stop at the Mercado for tomorrow’s breakfast. After all that, we were done in for the night.
Obrigado for reading! Bon noite, Dorme bem! (good night, sleep tight!)