As I have mentioned in previous entries, I have been listening to a great courses daily podcast on “Food: A Cultural Culinary History”. I own a domain name and website called “Our Healthy Eating“. I have been investigating recipes and am working on adding cooking techniques, recipes, and more to the site. It is slower in advancement than this site is. Continue reading “Food: Part sustenance, part social, part historical”
Privilege versus doing the right thing
I have been reflecting a lot on “doing the right thing” (higher moral ground?) versus what one might have the “privilege” of doing as an autocrat or totalitarian. Privilege, from the dictionary sense, as defined as a noun:
Sip and Mingle Drink Recipe
I was thinking of putting a drink recipe on Our Heathy Eating with a link back to the Sip and Mingle event that hubby and I attended a couple of weeks ago. However, I came to the conclusion it fits best here. The folks at Total Wine and More passed along an interesting recipe that might be good for the summer so I am going to share it here but with attribution to Total Wine, Tukwila store: Continue reading “Sip and Mingle Drink Recipe”
Classical Music – Piano lessons carried forward
Some 60 (OMG!!!) odd years ago, my mother required me to take piano lessons. I believe, though I can’t swear to it, that my sister may also have been required to take the initial lessons but managed, at her more mature age, to wiggle out of them. She was, after all, some 8 years older than me. I hold her accountable for that today. <grin> I am still thinking of ways to get even <grinning louder>.
Continue reading “Classical Music – Piano lessons carried forward”
Sip and mingle

Last Thursday evening, April 5th, my husband and I attended a “Spring Fling” (AKA) “Sip and Mingle” at our local Total Wine & More store. It was also known as “A Total Discovery Event” for Grand Reserve and Reserve Members. Interestingly, we learned that Rosé can be made using almost any red grape. Since a wine’s color, tannins and much of its flavor come from the skin of the grapes used, the style of any Rosé usually depends on the amount of time skins and juice are left to soak together after the grapes are crushed. Winemakers crafting Rosé only keep the skins in contact with the juice for a short time – 12 to 36 hours, instead of the days or weeks for most red wines.
#MeToo – The next segment
In my previous entry I related my first #MeToo experience. Next came the second in a continuation of a long line of such experiences. Until recently, I thought it was all my fault. I thought that I was the problem. But then, don’t we all?
1976: Determined to find a sales position and earn a good living for myself, I applied to every job in the want ads under sales. One in particular tweaked my interest. It was a blind ad with a PO mailbox address and I sat on it for several days wondering if it was real. I finally mailed my resume and cover letter.
#MeToo affects almost everyone
I doubt there is any woman over the age of 50 (and maybe even 40) who has not experienced some form of discrimination or harassment at the hands of an authoritarian individual or employer. I have watched the movement unfold, with a lot of high ranking individuals being called out for their attitudes and behaviors. I simply could not bring myself to participate in the movement on Facebook or wherever because it is not going to change any aspect of my past #MeToo experiences. I have evolved to a point in my life where, even before this movement, no one is going to discriminate or harass me because I am a woman. I have received threats and attempts to discredit my efforts & my reputation while I was on our Condo’s Board of Directors, but those were not gender-biased.
Meet the “Stripe” of StripedPot(dot)com

Meet the inspiration for one of my websites:
“Stripe”, as it is fondly called here at the McBennett’s home, was discovered in a store room at the apartment building where we lived for about 12 years. It was about to be tossed in the trash during a clean out. It was dirty and dusty without a lot of character. But I saw the beauty beneath the crud and asked for it to come home with me. The maintenance person cleaning out the storeroom was more than happy to hand it off to me. Continue reading “Meet the “Stripe” of StripedPot(dot)com”
Photography as a hobby – taking it to the next level

I have always loved taking pictures. I grew up with a mother who had to document all important occasions with her Brownie camera. I wanted more. I splurged and bought a Polaroid in my college days. Continue reading “Photography as a hobby – taking it to the next level”
Reading materials, apps & devices to love or hate

I buy pretty much all my books on Amazon for reading on one or more of my Kindles. Yes, I have more than one. Actually, I still have (for old times’ sake) my first Kindle. It will still charge up, but mostly it just sits on the shelf. Very plain, but for nostalgia’s sake, I still have it. Continue reading “Reading materials, apps & devices to love or hate”