2 more tips for visiting Portugal (Lisboa)

Every day is a learning experience, as it should be.  Visiting a city like Lisboa will kick one right out of one’s rut.  Certainly it has mine. More tips are offered to help make your transition as painless as possible.

  1.   Weather: June is a great time to be here. the temperature rarely gets to the mid-70s. Nights are cool, days are comfortable.  A light rain jacket is all you will need to stay dry (an occasional rain shower here and there). In checking the weather, Accuweather wanted me to pay for the privilege of learning the day’s weather, but the BBC weather was always there for me. It even has a radar screen to watch the day’s weather. It is nice to be prepared for the day with clothing. Yesterday was sunny, warm (low 70s) but the breeze was rather cool. Being prepared equals comfort.
  2.  I found a free app (Android) for translation of words from Portuguese to English. It is called All Language Translator. It has hundreds of languages. Rated 4.5 with 53,657 reviews. It also has a voice translation so you can learn how to say words.